Types of Elder Abuse

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is non-accidental use of force that results in physical pain, injury, or impairment. It can include hitting, shoving, the inappropriate use of drugs, restraints, or confinement.

Warning Signs of Physical Abuse:

  • Unexplained bruises, welts, or scars
  • Broken bones, sprains, or dislocations
  • Drug overdose
  • Broken eyeglasses or frames
  • Rope marks on wrists

Financial Exploitation

Financial Exploitation is the unauthorized use of an elderly person’s funds or property, either by a caregiver or an outside scam artist.

Warning Signs of Scams:

  • Change in banking patterns
  • Missing credit card statements
  • Missing cash
  • Missing property/jewelry
  • Isolation
  • The deal of a lifetime – to good to be true
  • New “Best Friends”
  • Expensive gifts to others
  • Unpaid bills despite having money

Emotional Abuse

Emotional Abuse happens when a person inflicts emotional suffering on another. It can include yelling, threats, and destruction of property.

Warning Signs of Emotional Abuse:

  • Reluctance to talk freely
  • Seems frightened or confused
  • Suffers from low self-esteem
  • Apologizes or tries too hard to please
  • Tells improbable stories
  • Goes into fits of inappropriate anger

Sexual Abuse

Sexual Abuse occurs when a senior is subjected to unwanted or non-consensual sexual contact.

Warning Signs of Sexual Abuse:

  • Severe depression/unusually quiet
  • Soiled bedding and undergarments
  • Unusual bruising in private areas

Neglect By Caregivers

Neglect occurs when a person responsible for providing care to an elder fails to do so. Elder neglect may include denying someone food, proper medication, clean clothes, daily hygiene or medical attention.

Warning Signs of Neglect:

  • Exposure to safety hazards
  • Absence from family gatherings
  • Caregiver is always present and speaks for the elder
  • Isolated from family and friends


  • Never give personal information to a stranger
  • Reconcile bills and accounts
  • Estate planning
  • Don’t rush in
  • Use a locking mailbox
  • Check your credit report
  • Screen your telephone calls – JUST HANG UP
  • Shred your mail
  • Avoid filling out contest entry forms
  • Watch the news
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